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Charity sky dive for Endometriosis UK

16 November 2022

I have recently been diagnosed with Stage 2 Endometriosis. After suffering from this condition not only physically, but mentally too, I am looking to raise money for Endometriosis UK to raise awareness and educate young women.


Endometriosis UK is a charity that provides valuable support to women who are suffering from this cruel disease. They offer information on what endo is, which I believe should be a vital part of our education system, and offer a support network for women living with endo.


The average diagnosis for endo is 7 years. The only way you can diagnose endo is through laparoscopic surgery, which doctors are reluctant to do. I am one of the lucky ones, although I have been dismissed by countless doctors and medical professionals, I finally had a laparoscopy after 18 months of pain and suffering.


I had never heard of endometriosis until the doctor mentioned the possibility of it, this was after monthly appointments of me pestering for an answer. Not only did endo cripple me physically, but it also destroyed my mental health. Dealing with such a chronic illness daily really takes a toll on your mental well-being. I am lucky to have such supportive friends and family, but it never stopped me from feeling so incredibly lonely. I can't begin to imagine how things may have turned out if they weren't by my side.


I feel incredibly passionate about the lack of education surrounding women's reproductive system and how if we were made aware of what might come, we wouldn't have to suffer for so long. Women are dismissed so easily by medical professionals, I have experienced this firsthand myself. It's not normal to bleed irregularly, to be in pain every day, and it's never just a 'bad period'.


I am finally on the road to recovery after my surgery and have decided to do a fundraising skydive, booked for Spring 2023, for Endometriosis UK. This is not only for myself to learn more about how to live with this chronic illness, but for the countless women unknowingly walking around with endo who aren't getting the help they deserve. I would appreciate any donations, both big and small.


Thank you for taking the time to read my story.


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